February finds your host proceeding at a modest pace toward adulthood. With the recent influx of many, many items form the home of my in-laws, who are moving house after 42 years, it feels a bit like navigating on a landfill with a broken paddle. Beside feeling paralitically overwhelmed by shtuff, I’m inspired to to “de-crappify” my spaces in order to get some clarity on where I am, what I’m doing and even who I am. Unbelievable.
The good news is that this seems for the first time in my life an achievable task. I always dreamed of a pristine shop with a place for everything and everything in its place, but chose instead to work in a hovel piled with dusty knick-knacks of variable importance, tools, materials and there in the middle, the work-piece. I know this can function, but it’s depressing and risky since a 48″ clamp may fall on your ukelele at any time. More often, some junk gets in the finish, or you drop what you doing and make a ding in what would have been a clean piece of carpentry.
Well, I’m giving up going for B+s. From now on it will be A+s, at least to the extent that I can control things. Feels good.